

Red is an amazing colour. So full of depth, vibrance and meaning: be it anger, beauty or passion. We love some of the red tones going on: in fashion, photography, music, food… Steven Chee’s recent editorial for Fashion Quarterly has us particularly enamoured, with overblown red lips and thigh high stockings, the images are just rich with hue. And you can’t go past the best red hair going – Rhianna here photographed by Camilla Akrans. For deep red lips Giorgio Armani is a standout classic, however Tom Ford is a new testament to luxury, and that etched-initial lipstick is instantly covetable. What else? well you can’t go past a red velvet cupcake from Magnolia Bakery.

We keep coming across work by fashion photographer Camilla Akrans and are very much beguiled by her compositions and colours. Her style of photography has an antique yet colour-saturated look to it that is really very modern, and a technique that many others are now using. The women in her pictures all carry an inherent sexiness, and their femininity is always portrayed in celebration of their strength and beauty.

One of her most recent editorials pictures model Crystal Renn in the June 2012 issue of Vogue Japan. In a tantalising array of coloured lace and figure hugging creations from the likes of Dolce & Gabbana and Valentino, Renn is a mexican-inspired, heavy-browed dream against the hacienda backgrounds. Her full scarlet lips and heavy brows leave us wanting more: more of this story and more from Camilla Akrans.

Today we’re shooting an exciting brand collaboration, to be published on ABSORB. And here’s a little inspiration to give you an idea: some 90’s Kate Moss way back when she was shot by Corinne Day. Unstructured, soft, natural girl. Lovely! Check back for some behind the scenes shots coming shortly.

ABSORB has a never ending love affair with the imagery of fashion photographer Miles Aldridge, whose visual style and meticulous attention to detail is a constant source of inspiration. Having published editorials profusely within the pages of major magazines like Vogue Italia and Numero, it is clear that the Aldridge aesthetic has had a definitive influence on fashion photography. With a cinematic feel to many of his images, taken from his early love of Italian cinecitta, classic horror films and old school crime photography, there is always the suggestion of a story, of something happening beyond the flat image. The women he photographs are mysterious, or tormented, or on the verge of a breakdown – he revels in the idea of oddity within the highly stylised worlds he creates. Colour also plays an important role, with saturated hues a trademark of his work. Aldridge continues to produce amazingly rich fashion images, exploring the woman in many guises and in every colour of the rainbow. Pictured below is just one of his editorials for Vogue Italia, Morning Beauty, with model Siri Tollerod as a Lolita-esque cat lady..

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images via fashiongonerogue

ABSORB is in the midst of planning its next spectacular fashion film, it’s gonna be a crazy colourful journey and we are currently sifting through a whole bunch of ideas. We dont like doing things by halves, and more is more has been the prevailing motto thus far! In preparation, here are a few works by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama,one of our inspirations, and her installation works which she calls ‘infinity rooms’. They are an optical feast: kaleidoscopic, mesmerising, mind boggling!

ABSORB has been finding inspiration in light. Coloured light, painting with light, the manipulation of light through the art of Olafur Eliasson. Here are a few finds capturing our attention. The video was found on one of our favourite blogs Bleach Black, combining a few techniques ABSORB has been researching for an upcoming video project.

LED Spraycan by Aïssa Logerot

Styling by Nicola Formichetti

Herring & Herring

Olafur Eliasson Room for one colour

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

An excerpt from Days Of Heaven, the dreamy 1978 film by Terrence Malick – full of wheat fields, open blue skies, the wind, the crickets, long cotton skirts and the half-light of early morning wanderings…